Author Guidelines
Before Submission
Authors should submit only manuscripts that have been carefully corrected, prepared, and polished. The authors also should use the standard template as provided by the journal when preparing a manuscript for submission to Matsnawi: Journal of Tasawwuf and Psychotherapy Studies.
The Editorial Board of Matsnawi invites researchers from the International research community and institutions to submit their articles in the following categories:
- Original research article;
- Review articles or Book Review: a comprehensive review on a scientific topic; and
- Fast communications: short, self-contained articles on ongoing research.
1. Language
Submitted articles must be written in either English, Indonesian, or Arabic using academic language in accordance with the academic writing style (structure and composition).
2. Preparing the Manuscripts
The articles or manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word (*.doc). The text should be in single-column format, A4 paper, and set all margins (top, bottom, left, and right) of 3 cm.
3. Format
The articles contain original ideas and address a clearly stated specific statement or question for a problem. A research article can be divided into the following headlines:
- Title
- Author's information
- Mailing Address
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction section
- Material and Methods section
- Result and Discussion section
- Acknowledgments (optional)
- Conclusion
- References
Alternatively, authors can download the template here.
After Acceptance
One set of pages (as PDF) will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. The accepted paper will be published online in less than four weeks after acceptance.
If you find any difficulty in the online submission of your manuscript, as well as the language option, please contact the editor at