
  • Debi Fajrin Habibi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia Author




wara, maqam, syubhat, cautiousness, social interaction


In Sufi literature, wara' is one of the maqām or stages in the spiritual journey of a human being. As an integral part of the series of maqām that a Sufi or any individual must traverse, wara' holds significant meaning both in individual and social life. Through various literatures and classical Sufi texts, this paper aims to discuss the implementation of the attitude of wara' in social interactions. There are at least three social attitudes in relation to the wara' of others. First, interacting well with those known to possess the attitude of wara'. Second, being cautious with those whose wara' is not yet certain. Third, avoiding those known not to possess the attitude of wara'.


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How to Cite

WARA’ DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA DALAM PERGAULAN SOSIAL. (2023). Matsnawi: Journal of Tasawwuf and Psychotherapy Studies, 1(2), 54-62. https://doi.org/10.24235/wyn5gd27