marriage, modern sufism, divorceAbstract
Sumber Religious Court reported 7,733 divorce cases, including both contested and consensual divorces. This condition is fatal in marriage, also seen as worship to reach God's satisfaction. This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of Indonesian laws and regulations in reducing divorce cases and to explore an alternative prevention method through a modern Sufism approach. Data collection was conducted using library research methods, and data analysis was done descriptively using the normative juridical method to identify formal factors causing high divorce rates. This study also aims to review and improve the enforcement of existing laws and proposes pre-marital courses incorporating modern Sufism values by the state and private sectors. This research is expected to develop a marriage concept that aligns with the sustainable goals of modern Sufism values and applicable laws and regulations, and to implement these in society to minimize the divorce rate, particularly in Cirebon Regency.
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