
  • Syukri Al Fauzi Harlis Yurnalis Universitas Islam Negeri Padang, Indonesia Author
  • Arrasyid Universitas Islam Negeri Padang, Indonesia Author




Tasawwuf , history, madzhab, maqamat and ahwal


This paper describes Sufism as the core of Islamic teachings, focusing on the history of development, various schools of thought, and some of the core teachings. Along with the development of Sufism there are five periods for the emergence of Sufism: initial emergence, development, consolidation, philosophy, and purification. And over time, several schools of thought emerged in Sufism, namely Sunni, Salafi, and Falsafi. Even though several schools of thought emerged, their teachings still led to the same goal: true happiness. In leading to this happiness, they express this method differently, especially regarding maqamat and ahwal.


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How to Cite

TASAWUF: SEJARAH, SEKTE, DAN AJARAN INTI. (2022). Matsnawi: Journal of Tasawwuf and Psychotherapy Studies, 1(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.24235/q16tkx45