Focus and Scope

Journal of Religion and Social Transformation (E-ISSN: 3026-4693) is a high quality open-access peer-reviewed journal, and rated based on international publication standards published by the Department of Sociology of Religion, UIN Siber Syekh Nurjati Cirebon.

We publish original articles focusing on theoretical and empirical issues of religion in society and contribute to an interdisciplinary approach facilitating communication over boundaries of disciplines. Whereas the journal aims to develop the scientific discussion about socio-religious issues in Indonesia, we are open for case studies or contributions of comparative character from other world regions addressing recent global phenomena of religion in society (e.g. pluralization, secularization, individualization, new religious movements).

The topics of the articles may include but are not limited to Religion and Multicultural Society, Religion and Digital Society, Religion and Gender, Religion and Development, Religion and Environment, Religion and Local Knowledge.