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  • International Journal of Education Technologi and Islamic Education Curriculum
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  • FAZA : Jurnal Syariah, Hukum, dan pemikiran Islam
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  • International Journal of Applied Technology and Informatics
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  • Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Mathematics Education
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  • Al-Irtifa: Journal of Islamic Astronomy and Islamic Law
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  • Journal of lslamic Economics and Bussines Ethics
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  • Matsnawi: Journal of Tasawwuf and Psychotherapy Studies
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  • Lektur : Journal of Integrative Islamic Studies
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  • Pengembangan Profesi Tenaga Kependidikan
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  • Cirebon International Journal of Economics and Business
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  • Indonesian Journal of Cyber Education
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  • Journal of Religion and Social Transformation
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  • Journal of Sharia Accounting and Tax
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  • Journal of Sharia Tourism and Hospitality
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