The Effect Of Technology-Enhanced Language Learning on Speaking Anxiety


  • Desi Surlitasari Dewi Universitas Riau Kepulauan Author
  • Eka Wilany Universitas Riau Kepulauan Author


This study investigates the impact of technology-enhanced language learning interventions on reducing speaking anxiety among language learners. Addressing the significance of speaking proficiency in effective communication, the research employs a quasi-experimental design, comparing traditional methods in a control group with technology-enhanced approaches in an experimental group. The participants were 30 students in experimental group and 30 students in control group. By utilizing online platforms, podcasts, and gamified language learning, the study measures the reduction in speaking anxiety using the Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale. The data were analyzed quantitatively through t-test. Results indicate a significant decrease in anxiety levels in both groups, with the experimental group exhibiting a more substantial reduction. The findings revealed the positive influence of technology in alleviating language-related anxieties, particularly speaking anxiety, providing valuable insights for pedagogical practices


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