The Effect Of Mnemonics Method On Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at MTS Annidhomiyah


  • Iis Khoirunnisa IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon Author


The purpose of this research is to found out the significant effect of using mnemonics method on students’ vocabulary achievement at Mts Annidhomiyah Japura Kidul. The method is intended for the english teacher to create a better method in teaching vocabulary. This Research used quaisi-experimental research by setting class of VIIIC as control class (using scientifict approach) and class VIIID as experimental class (using mnemonics method). In collecting the data, the researcher conducted pre-test and post-test, and in analyzing the data, the researcher used t-test. The findings shows the mean score of pre-test in experimental class was 42,12 and most of the students’ were belonged into very poor and poor category. Meanwhile at post-test, the mean score increased 70,76% into 28,56% and most of students’ were also belonged into very good category. However, the better improvement is occurred in experimental class. It was indicate by the result of the gain score of experimental class which was higher than control class (70,76% > 62,42%). Furthermore, the result of paired sample T-Test significance level was 0,00 which is lower then significance level of 0,05 (0,00 < 0,005) and accepted the Ha it means that there was a significant effect on students’ vocabulary achievement by using mnemonics method. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of mnemonics method is significantly improves students’ vocabulary achievement.


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