Analysis of Distance Education Students' Learning Satisfaction Factors: A Study in Higher Education


  • Juhji Juhji Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten Author


This research aims to analyze the level of learning satisfaction of distance education students and the factors that influence it. The research method uses survey techniques. Ninety-nine distance education students from the Islamic religious education study program were involved in this research. The research instrument uses a learning satisfaction questionnaire with four validated factors. Research data was collected via GForm for one week. Data analysis uses multiple regression tests. The research results show that the average reliability dimension is 3.42, responsiveness is 3.29, assurance is 3.51, and empathy is 3.39. Overall, the learning satisfaction of IAIN Syeikh Nurjati distance education students is in the very satisfied category. Apart from that, research findings also show that 39.0% of the reliability dimension, 20.1% of the responsiveness dimension, 27.4% of the assurance dimension, and 22.5% of the empathy dimension influence the student learning satisfaction variable. These findings recommend that the four dimensions of learning satisfaction can be used to measure the learning satisfaction variables of distance education students.


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