Social Competence of PAI Teachers in Handling Student Behavior at MTs Al-Hidayah Dukupuntang Cirebon
A teacher must possess a number of competencies in order to perform their tasks and functions effectively. Among these competencies is social competence. The aim of this research is to explore the competency of PAI teachers at MTs Al-Hidayah Dukupuntang Cirebon; Describe PAI teachers' approaches to handling student behavior in the field; and search for supporting and hindering variables for PAI teachers. This study is a descriptive-qualitative study. Interviews, observation, and documentation are used to acquire data. The research was conducted at MTs Al-Hidayah Dukupuntang Cirebon, and the subjects were the principal, PAI teachers, and students. According to the findings of the study, PAI instructors at MTs Al-Hidayah Dukupuntang Cirebon possess social competency, which includes the ability to be inclusive, objective, non-discriminatory, and flexible. Ways to deal with student behavior include: giving students advice, giving educational punishments to students who do not follow the teacher's rules and do not complete their assignments, creating a learning environment that does not bore students, linking learning to students' daily lives, and working together. Controlling every student activity, giving appropriate role models for kids, imparting religious beliefs in students, and providing services to students are all responsibilities shared by parents
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